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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Reflection – Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay – Section 8 - Sept. 23

Visit URL: In your own words, discuss what an argumentative essay is. View the topics listed. Discuss which argumentative topic you would select and why? Please note that this will also be reviewed for Test #4. Further reflect on today’s overall activities.


  1. An argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the writer to investigate a topic as well as collect,generate,evaluate the evidence found, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. In the argumentative essay has an introductory, evidential body paragraph either for or opposing. and a conclusion

    1. That's very true Lexine! Seeing as how you understand the proper way to write an argumentative essay, I'm sure it'll be no problem for you to write yours! Don't forget to include your topic. (:

    2. Good explanation, Lexine! I am sure your essay will be great!

    3. Great details. As peer reviewing you pass essays your essay will be great.

  2. An Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay is an essay made to persuade or more like investigate on a topic. Meaning this kind of essay needs to have solid or well-researched information to back it up. The support needs to be detailed, well-researched in order to support the thesis statement. There also has to be good transition between the Intro, Body, and Conclusion of the essay. This essay is best written in the Five paragraph format.

    1. Great job in your description of an argumentative essay Lusech! Please be sure to include your topic as I look forward to knowing what you'll be writing about. (:

    2. wow! good description for an argumentative essay. yes, i agree with Sheena please include your topic.

  3. An argumentative essay is an essay on your position on a certain topic. You decide whether you're for a certain proposed idea/fact, or against it. You research on the problem, and you explain what it is. Basically, you are stating proof to defend your position.

    The topic I would choose is "Fathers should be allowed the same treatment as mothers in family court decisions. Too
    many times the mother is favored because of the "nurturing" stereotype." I choose this because there are fathers out there who love and care for their children and family. Mothers aren't the only ones who could "nurture" their children.

    Today's activities were very informative. The lesson made me realize how I should always triple check my essay for any errors.

    1. Well done Kris! I think your choice of topic was a great one! Continue to shed light to all the fathers who are wrongly accused of negligence towards their children. One fact to consider is that not all mother are suitable to taking care of their children.

      I also agree with your insight in regards to the lesson today! Actually, upon the submission of my blog, I made sure to triple-check it and it's a good thing I did so because I was able to catch my mistakes! (:

    2. Your topic of choice is great. Also father's can take care of the kids. I hope you let me get to proof-read it.

    3. I agree with you Kris. Your topic choice is great! I believe that everyone is equal, but to mistreat fathers is discriminant. especially, when fathers are a big role is a childs life

    4. Nice topic! Good explanation!

  4. An Argumentative (Persuasive) essay is meant to persuade readers to agree with your opinion on an issue, you need to appeal to their emotions and to their reason. Todays lesson was a great brush up on editing. Cant wait to use editing again.

    1. Great job in posting your blog Christine! I definitely agree with you when you say that argumentative essays work on gaining the appeal of your reader; what wonderful insight! Please don't forget to include your topic. (:

    2. I agree that an argumentative essay is to gain the appeal of your readers. Please include your topic.

    3. Yes, persuasive essays all vary with the writer's feelings, good job!

  5. An argumentative essays are most often used to address controversial issues. It also persuade readers to agree with your opinion on an issue. When you are writing an argumentative essay you must mostly trying to prove your essay is a fact.
    My topic would be about the stem cell research. I have always been curios about weather stem cells could really cure diseases. I have seen it on videos but I want to know if its a fact.

    1. "Tandeezy3",

      I agree with your description with argumentative essays; you work towards allowing others to appeal to your reasoning, especially towards controversial issues. It's very important that you write base on facts instead of opinions.

      You chose such a wonderful topic! I look forward to reading the information you've gathered, along with your point of view on the issue. I wish you the best of luck. (:

    2. Wow can stem cells really cure diseases. That topic sounds really fun and seems like you're into it. Well have fun in writing it!

    3. Fantastic topic! It also sounds interesting, good luck with your essay!

  6. Similar to informative essays, argumentative essays focus on facts instead of opinions. When choosing a topic for your argumentative essay, you must keep in mind that the topic must be of a debatable issue, as well as on an issue that can be adequately supported. Argumentative essays can help shed light on topics that you were never able to accept, such as the legalization of marijuana. When writing an argumentative essay, you MUST choose a side and not simply write sentences such as "I don't know" or "I think". The main objective is to persuade your reader or audience to adopt new ways or beliefs.

    The argumentative topic I would choose would be in regards to drivers in MN [or nationwide] who should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving. I feel that this would be a very important topic to discuss because there are many times that I would feel unsafe on the road and that would be because of the many reckless and careless drivers who would rather pay attention to a text rather than on the road. It's time to put an end to this reckless behavior!

    Today's activities helped remind me about the importance of double, even triple-checking your paper. One helpful advice stated from the book was to read your paper aloud, to ensure that there are no awkward, mispronounced or poorly structured sentences in your essay. I also paid close attention to the revision of papers because I can get confused at times in how to properly revise a paper. That way, I wouldn't be the only person to succeed in writing an A+ paper. I enjoyed today's activities and look forward to doing more. (:

    1. Wow I can't wait to read your essays since you are a great writer. When you are done with it may I read it? I agree using a cellphone while driving should be prohibited.

    2. John, I appreciate your reply. I'll be sure to give you my paper to peer review the minute I finish! Thank you for the encouragement. (:

    3. wow! good description about argumentative essays. I would like to read your paper because cell phone usage while driving is still in the process of enforcement.

    4. You couldn't explain it any better! Great description!

    5. What a great way to describe argumentative essays Sheena, good job!

    6. Sheena great explanation. Good job.

  7. An argumentative essay gives backgrounds of the topics you are going to write about. It is a debatable writing form of an essay. An argumentative essay is well informed and an essay that tries to persuade about the topic. Argumentative essay talks about the pros and cons about the topic. Majority of an argumentative essay is not a first person writer and is to be avoided.

    The topic i chose was "We should use death row inmates for medical testing rather than animals." Why? In my opinion it could be an honorable thing to do for a better community that has suffered from their infringement. It could give clearer answers to Human Anatomy. If you think they are just going to die in prison I believe they have a choice lol =P.

    The activities today went smooth as time flew by quickly. It was quite challenging and hopefully we could do more activities like this as it could be a big help to a person get an A or B+.

    1. Well written description of argumentative essay. I agree that first person should be avoided. Well good job and keep continuing and making your writing better.

    2. Great explanation. Yes the essay is challenging, but you got this.

  8. An argumentative essay involves a lot of research and well written evidence while it needs a supportive evidence to show true point that it's true. It may be similar to expository but don't be naive. Expository doesn't need much research while what I said earlier argumentative does. The length of both also differ. Argumentative is longer and shows more details than expository. When dealing with argumentative make sure your facts, body, thesis are correct since they are the most important in the essay.
    The topic I would choose will be "We should initiate a national health insurance program in the United States and model the program on successful ones used in Europe." This topic is really intriguing and I can somehow relate. Insurance is a must for everyone.

  9. An argumentative essay is an essay that persuade your reader to listen. It needs to have a strong support and evidence. If it's a debate, you will to have to prove that you are right.
    For the essay, i choose to write about "Drivers in the state of Minnesota who are over 70 years old must pass an annual test for
    eyesight and physical ability before they can renew their driver's license."

  10. An Argumentative essay is where you write about a topic that has two conflicting points of view/conclusions. You would research and gather facts or supporting evidence for both sides but you'd would pick one side and conclude why that side would be the best conclusion.

    The topic I'd choose would be "Drivers in MN [or nationwide] should not be permitted to use cell phones while driving
    (talking and/or texting), because it's a major pet peeve of mine and I've witnessed/encountered many occasions of drivers making mistakes on the road because they were on their phone.

    1. Way to state your argument Paul! It's great to see that we are both able to see eye-to-eye when it comes to texting and driving. Let's be sure to not leave out any information as each one is crucial! Good luck on your paper! :D

    2. Good choice of topic Paul! Very relatable.

    3. Nice explanation and great topic. I can't wait to read your essay.

  11. An argumentative essay is an essay where you persuade your readers/audience to your side of the argument. Pros and cons are usually great to consider when writing this essay. Argumentative essays are most likely about an important issue. It consists of at least five paragraphs.
